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Structured Strings

Both of the previously discussed problems, query injection and shell injection, are facets of a common problem: it is hard to securely compose strings to send outside the process. In the first case, we send a query string to a database via a file descriptor bound to a network socket or an IPC endpoint. In the second, we send a string via a syscall wrapper, to spawn a child process.

Success Criteria

We can securely compose strings for external endpoints if:

  • Developers routinely use tools to produce structured strings that preserve developers' intent even in the face of inputs crafted by a skilled attacker, and/or
  • Where developers do not, the backends grant no authority based on the structure of the string, and the authority granted ambiently is so small as to not be abusable.

Nailing down the definition of intent is hard, but here's an example of how we can in one context. Consider

"SELECT * FROM T WHERE id=" + f(accountNumber)

A reasonable reader would conclude that the author intended:

  • That the result specifies one statement, a select statement.
  • That f(accountNumber) specifies only a simple value that can be compared to values in the id column.

Given that, we can say function f(x) preserves intent in that code if, for any value of accountNumber, it throws an exception or its output following "SELECT * FROM T WHERE id=" parses as a single number or string literal token.

A possible solution

Change the world so we can give simple answers to hard questions.

Extend existing APIs so that whenever a developer is composing a string to send outside the node process, they have a template literal tag based API that is more secure than string concatenation.

Then, we can give developers a simple piece of advice:

If you're composing a string that will end up outside node, use a template tag.

Template tags will have implementation bugs, but fixing one template tag is easier than fixing many expressions of the form ("foo " + bar + " baz").

A common style guide for tag implementers.

It would help developers if these template literal tags had some consistency across libraries. We've already briefly discussed ways to make template tags more discoverable and usable when talking about ways to treat generated code as first class.

We propose a style guide for tag authors. Others will probably have better ideas as to what it should contain, but to get a discussion started:

  • Functions that compose or represent a string whose recipient is outside the node runtime should accept template tags. Examples include mysql.format which composes a string of SQL.
  • These functions should return a typed string wrapper. For example, if the output is a string of SQL tokens, then return an instance of:
    function SqlFragment(s) {
      if (!(this instanceof SqlFragment)) { return new SqlFragment(s); }
      this.content = String(s);
    SqlFragment.prototype.toString = (() => this.content);
    Don't re-escape SqlFragments received as interpolation values where they make sense.
  • See if you can reuse string wrappers from a library before rolling your own to encourage interoperability. If a library defines a type representing a fragment of HTML, use that as long as your operator can uphold the type's contract. For example if the type has a particular security contract, make sure that you preserve that security contract. You may assume that wrapped strings come from a source that upheld the contract. Producing a value that doesn't uphold its contract when your inputs do is a bug, but assuming incorrectly that type contracts hold for your inputs is not. If you can double check inputs, great!
  • The canonical way to test whether a function was (very probably) called as a template tag is
    function (a, ...b) {
      if (Array.isArray(a) && Array.isArray(a.raw)
          && Object.isFrozen(a)
          && a.length === b.length + 1) {
        // Treat as template tag.
      // Handle non template tag use.
  • When a template tag takes options objects, it should be possible to curry those before invoking the function as a tag. The following passes some environment variables and a working directory before the command:
    shelljs.exec({ env: ..., cwd: ... })`cat ...`
  • When a template tag takes a callback, the template tag should return a function that will receive the callback. The following uses a template tag that returns a function that takes a callback:
    myConnection.query`SELECT ...`(callback)
  • Where possible, allow indenting multi-line template tags. Use the first line with non-whitespace characters as a cue when stripping whitespace from the rest of the lines.


Database abstractions like object-relational mappings are a great way to get developers out of the messy business of composing queries.

There are still niche use cases like ad-hoc reporting that require composing queries, and solving the problem for database queries does not solve it for strings sent elsewhere, e.g. shells.

Builder APIs provide a flexible way to compose structured content. For example,

  new QueryBuilder()

The explicit method calls specify the structure of the resulting string, so controlling parameters doesn't grant control of sentence structure, and control of one parameter doesn't allow reinterpreting part of the query specified by an uncontrolled parameter.

In JavaScript we prefer tagged templates to builders. These APIs can be syntactically heavy and developers have to discover and learn them. We hope that adoption with template tags will be easier because:

  • Tagged templates are syntactically lighter so easier to write.
  • Someone unfamiliar with the API, but familiar with the query language, will have to do less work to leverage the one to understand the other making tagged templates easier to read and adapt for one's own work.
  • Builder APIs have to treat nested sub-languages (e.g. URLs in HTML) as strings unless there is a builder API for the sub-language.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""