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Source Content Checks

The node runtime's module loader uses the _compile method to actually turn file content into code thus:

// Run the file contents in the correct scope or sandbox. Expose
// the correct helper variables (require, module, exports) to
// the file.
// Returns exception, if any.
Module.prototype._compile = function(content, filename) {
  content = internalModule.stripShebang(content);

  // create wrapper function
  var wrapper = Module.wrap(content);

  var compiledWrapper = vm.runInThisContext(wrapper, {

At the top of that method body, we can check that the content is on a list of production sources.

The entire process looks like:

  1. Developer develops and tests their app iteratively as normal.
  2. The developer generates a list of production sources via the dynamic bundling scheme outlined earlier, a static tool like webpack, or some combination.
  3. The bundling tool generates a file with a cryptographic hash for each production source. We prefer hashing to checking paths for reasons that will become apparent later when we discuss eval.
  4. A deploy script copies the bundle and the hashes to a production server.
  5. The server startup script passes a flag to node or npm start telling the runtime where to look for the production source hashes.
  6. The runtime reads the hashes and combines it with any hashes necessary to whitelist any node internal JavaScript files that might load via require.
  7. When a call to require(x) reaches Module.prototype.compile it hashes content and checks that the hash is in the allowed set. If not, it logs that and, if not in report-only-mode, raises an exception.
  8. Normal log collecting and monitoring communicates failures to the development team.

This is similar to Content-Security-Policy (CSP) but for server-side code. Like CSP, there is an intermediate step that might be useful between no enforcement and full enforcement: report only mode.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""