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npm Experiments

Below are summaries of experiments to check how compatible common npm modules are with preprocessing, static checks, and other measures to manage cross-cutting security concerns.

Grepping for Problems

JS Conformance uses sophisticated type reasoning to find problems in JavaScript code (see JS Conformance experiment). It may not find problems in code that lacks type hints or that does not parse.

Grep can be used to reliably find some subset of problems that JS Conformance can identify.

If grep finds more of the kinds of problems that it can find than JS Conformance, then the code cannot be effectively vetted by code quality tools like JS Conformance.

Violation Count of Modules Total Count Quartiles
Function constructor 32 200 0 / 0 / 1
URL property assignment 35 471 0 / 0 / 3
eval 24 87 0 / 0 / 0
innerHTML assignment 17 81 0 / 0 / 0

Dynamic loads

Dynamic loading can complicate code bundling.

33 of 108 = 30.56% call require(...) without a literal string argument.

JS Conformance

JS Conformance identifies uses of risky APIs.

Some modules did not parse. This may be dues to typescript. JSCompiler doesn't deal well with mixed JavaScript and TypeScript inputs.

If a module is both in the top 100 and is a dependency of another module in the top 100, then it will be multiply counted.

Out of 69 modules that parsed

Violation Count of Modules Total Count Quartiles
"arguments.callee" cannot be used in strict mode 2 3 0 / 0 / 0
Argument list too long 8 8 0 / 0 / 0
Illegal redeclared variable: 2 9 0 / 0 / 0
Parse error. 31 232 0 / 0 / 2
This style of octal literal is not supported in strict mode. 4 11 0 / 0 / 0
Violation: Assigning a value to a dangerous property via setAttribute is forbidden 1 4 0 / 0 / 0
Violation: Function, setTimeout, setInterval and requestAnimationFrame are not allowed with string argument. See ... 9 91 0 / 0 / 0
Violation: eval is not allowed 1 3 0 / 0 / 0
required "..." namespace not provided yet 7 30 0 / 0 / 0
type syntax is only supported in ES6 typed mode: 3 132 0 / 0 / 0

Lazy loads

Lazy loading can complicate code bundling if care is not taken.

71 of 108 = 65.74% contain a use of require inside a {...} block.

Prod bundle includes test code

Some of the top 100 modules are test code, e.g. mocha, chai. This measures which modules, when installed --only=prod include test patterns.

50 of 108 = 46.30% contain test code patterns

Uses Scripts

Unless steps are taken, installation scripts run code on a developer's workstation when they have write access to local repositories. If this number is small, having humans check installation scripts before running might be feasible.

4 of 979 = 0.41% use installation scripts


The code is available on Github.

$ npm --version

Top 100 Module list

I extracted top100.txt by browsing to the most depended-upon package list and running the below in the dev console until I had >= 100 entries.

var links = document.querySelectorAll('')
var top100 = Object.create(null)
for (var i = 0; i < links.length; ++i) {
  var link = links[i];
  var packageName = link.getAttribute('href').replace(/^.*\/package\//, '')
  top100[packageName] = true;
var top100Names = Object.keys(top100)

We also require some tools so that we can run JSCompiler against node modules. From the root directory:

mkdir tools
curl \
     > /tmp/
pushd tools
  jar xf /tmp/
pushd jsconf
  mkdir externs
  pushd externs
    git clone


Each experiment corresponds to a directory with an executable file which takes a node_modules directory and the top 100 module list and which outputs a snippet of markup.


cat top100.txt | xargs npm install --ignore-scripts --only=prod
mkdir separate-modules
cd separate-modules
for pn in $(cat ../top100.txt ); do
  mkdir -p "$pn"
  pushd "$pn"
  npm install -g --prefix="node_modules/$pn" --ignore-scripts --only=prod "$pn"

pulls down the list of node modules. As of this writing, there are 980 modules that are in the top100 list or are direct or indirect prod dependencies thereof.

To run the experiments and place the outputs under /tmp/mds/, run

mkdir -p /tmp/mds/
export PYTHONPATH="$PWD:$PWD/../third_party:$PYTHONPATH"
for f in *; do
  if [ -f "$f"/ ]; then
    "$f"/ node_modules separate-modules top100.txt \
    > "/tmp/mds/$"

Concatenating those markdown snippets produces the summary above.

(for f in $(echo /tmp/mds/*.md | sort); do
   cat "$f";
 done) \
> /tmp/mds/summary

results matching ""

    No results matching ""