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Query injection

Threats: QUI

One piece of simple advice to avoid query injection attacks is "just use prepared statements."

This is good advice, and the mysql library has a solid, well-documented API for producing secure prepared statements.

Developers could do

const mysql = require('mysql');
    'SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ?, y = ?, z = ?',
    [                          x,     y,     z],

which is secure since .query calls mysql.format under the hood to escape x, y, and z. Enough developers still do

    "SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = '" + x + "', y = '" + y + "', z='" + z + "'",

to make query injection a real problem.

Developers may not know about prepared statements, but prepared statements have other problems:

  • They rely on a correspondence between positional parameters and the '?'s placeholders that they fill. When a prepared statement has more substitutions than fit in a reader's working memory, they have to look back and forth between the prepared statement, and the parameter list.
  • Prepared statements do not make it easy to compose a query from simpler query fragments. It's not easy to compute the WHERE clause separately from the result column set and then combine the two into a query without resorting to string concatenation somewhere along the line.

Template literals

JavaScript has a rarely used feature that lets us get the best of both worlds.

connection.query`SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ${x}, y = ${y}, z = ${z}`(callback)

uses a tagged template literal to allow inline expressions in SQL syntax.

A more advanced form of template literals are tagged template literals. Tags allow you to parse template literals with a function. The first argument of a tag function contains an array of string values. The remaining arguments are related to the expressions. In the end, your function can return your manipulated string (or it can return something completely different ...).

The code above is almost equivalent to

    ['SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ', ', y = ', ', z = ', ''],
                                  x         y         z

connection.query gets called with the parts of the static template string specified by the author, followed by the results of the expressions. The final (callback) dispatches the query.

We can tweak SQL APIs so that, when used as template literal tags, they escape the dynamic parts to preserve the intent of the author of the static parts, and then re-interleave them to produce the query.

The example (code) accompanying this chapter implements this idea by defining a mysql.sql function that parses the static parts to choose appropriate escapers for the dynamic parts. We have put together a draft PR to integrate this into the mysql module.

It also provides string wrappers, Identifier and SqlFragment, to make it easy to compose complex queries from simpler parts:

// Compose a query from two fragments.
// When the value inside ${...} is a SqlFragment, no extra escaping happens.
    SELECT ${outputColumnsAndJoins(a, b, c)}
    WHERE  ${rowFilter(x, y, z)}

// Returns a SqlFragment
function rowFilter(x, y, z) {
  if (complexCondition) {
    // mysql.sql returns a SqlFragment
    return mysql.sql`X = ${x}`;
  } else {
    return mysql.sql`Y = ${y} AND Z=${z}`;

function outputColumnsAndJoins(a, b, c) {
  return mysql.sql`...`;

Our goal was to make the easiest way to express an idea a secure way.

As seen below, this template tag API is the shortest way to express this idea as shown below. It is also tolerant to small variations — the author may leave out quotes since the tag implementation knows whether a substitution is inside quotes.

Shorter & tolerant != easier, but we hope that being shorter, more robust, more secure, and easy to compose will make it a good migration target for teams that realize they have a problem with SQL injection. We also hope these factors will cause developers who have been through such a migration to continue to use it in subsequent projects where it may spread to other developers.

// Proposed: Secure, tolerant, composes well.
connection.query`SELECT * FROM T WHERE x=${x}`(callback)
connection.query`SELECT * FROM T WHERE x="${x}"`(callback)

// String concatenation.  Insecure, composes well.
connection.query('SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = "' + x + '"', callback)
connection.query(`SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = "${x}"`, callback)

// String concatenation is not tolerant.
// Broken in a way that will be caught during casual testing.
connection.query('SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ' + x, callback)
connection.query(`SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ${x}`, callback)

// Prepared Statements.  Secure, composes badly, positional parameters.
connection.query('SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = ?', x, callback)
connection.query('SELECT * FROM T WHERE x = "?"', x, callback)  // Subtly broken

results matching ""

    No results matching ""